23 Via Borgonuovo
(National Revival) – (23 Via Borgonuovo tel. 803.539) – Exhibits dating from the mid-18th century to 1914 in which there was a national revival and struggle to unite independent states and regions. Notable are the collection of flags, souvenirs from the coronation of Napoleon as King of Italy and copies of Giuseppe Mazzini’s “Giovane Italia”.
0.83 km
What we see today is only a part of the original citadel which, at the beginning, consisted of other forts enclosed in a great star-shaped ramparted fortress. The perimetral development of t[…]
0.84 km
The present day basilica of St. Carlo was built on the site of the old church and convent ol the Servants of Mary. When preparations for Ferdinando I of Austria’s entrance into Milan were be[…]
0.85 km
This linear and unadorned façade makes it a typical example of 15th century Milanese architecture. There is a wrought iron balcony on the exterior above the main door which is decorated with[…]
0.86 km
This large and majestic building was enlarged in the Neoclassical style by Simone Cantoni at the end of the 18th century. The façade has three orders, or rows, of windows that have a loggia […]
0.86 km
Between the Piazza Mercanti and Via Mercanti – just west of the Duomo – there is a group of buildings that splendidy illustrates the development of Milanese architecture from the[…]
0.88 km
The Loggia of the Osii was built by Matteo Visconti in 1316. It was restored in 1904 and the deformations of the XVIIth. and XVIIIth. centuries were removed. The façade, with two superimpose[…]
0.9 km
The basilica ol San Babila, now squashed in by modern buildings, was, perhaps, built at the end of the Xlth century on the site of another, but older, church founded by St. Lorenzo I between[…]
0.91 km
Styles called “floreale” and “Liberty” were fashionable at the beginning of 20th century. They were typified by heavy ornamentation of figures, columns, flowers and f[…]
0.92 km
The cathedral was started in 1386. It is a magnificent example of a very special interpretation of Gothic architecture by the Lombards. It rises like a huge mountain of marble but richly orn[…]
0.95 km
This magnificent square is said to be the minor of Milan and the Milanese. In fact its citizens pour in and out of it at every hour of the day; whether it is ablaze with sun-light or full of[…]
0.99 km
Over one million insects, twenty-four thousand birds, seventeen thousand minerals, one hundred thousand fossils and a large specialized library: this is only part of what can be found in the[…]
1.01 km
Here is another example, like Palazzo Serbelloni, of the grandiose Neoclassical style of architecture that was in vogue during the Napoleonic Era. It is the work of the early 18th century ar[…]
1.02 km
Founded bv Cardinal Federico Borromeo in 1609 and built by Fabio Mangone and Francesco Maria Richini, the Ambrosian Library is one of the most remarkable demonstrations of the great Federico[…]
1.02 km
The palace stands in the rectangular square on the southern side of the cathedral; it is a wide building with a Neoclassical front and two lateral wings. It is of ancient origin and during i[…]
1.02 km
There are two Andalusian style balconies and a portal with granite doorposts. Its style is typical of the 17th century It has well preserved architectural frescos in perspective on the groun[…]
1.06 km
This church stands on Via Torino close to the Piazza del Duomo. The original building was erected at the time of Archishop Ansperto (10th century). Of this, only the chapel (Cappella della P[…]
1.08 km
It has been remodeled many times since its founding in 1030; the faÇade however, has been restored to its primitive Lombard style. A vast crypt, that extends the length of the church, is use[…]
1.09 km
This 17th century mansion is the dwelling of the famous orchestra conductor s family. On the outside is a superb wrought iron railing on the central balcony The larghe front door that has a […]
1.12 km
The church is at 15 Corso Magenta. It was consecrated in 1519. It belonged to a convent of Benedictine nuns called “Maggiore” because it was the largest and most important in the[…]
Also known as “Palazzo Arese”, it was enlarged by the Litta family in 1700. The architect B.Bolla was commissioned to work over Richini’s original construction (1648). It i[…]