
Lodi (3).jpg
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23 Viale G. Agnelli Lodi Lombardia 26900 IT

Important agricultural and industrial centre, with historical connections, on the right bank of the river Adda. The Duomo was begun in 1160, and has a facade which has obviously been altered many times. The large, solemn interior contains important paintings including a polyptych by Callisto Piazza (c. 1500-1562) depicting the Massacre of the Innocents; and a polyptych of the Assunta by Martino Piazza (recorded 1514-1527); in the chancel are eleven works in marquetry by fra’ Giovanni da Verona (c. 1457-1525). 18th cent. Broletto, with Baroque facade.

The Renaissance-style Santuario dell’Incoronata (begun in 1488) contains important works of art, including four panels by Ambrogio da Fossano, called Bergognone (c. 1455-1522). The church of San Cristoforo was completely rebuilt to a design by Pellegrino Tibaldi called Pellegrino Pellegrini (1527-1596).

The former monastery of St. Philip houses the Museo Civico, with a section containing 17-19th cent, ceramics, and an important art gallery, with works by Callisto Piazza, Cesare da Sesto (1477-1523), and other good artists. The church of San Francesco, built at the end of the 13th cent., in Gothic-Lombard style, contains extremely interesting 14th and 15th cent. frescoes by local and other Lombard painters.

The Ospedale Maggiore (15-16th cent.) has an interesting courtyard (1473). The 14th cent. church of Sant’ Agnese is in Gothic-Lom-bard style; inside is a polyptych by Albertino Piazza (c. 1475-1529). The church of San Lo-renzo (12-13th cent.) contains a fresco of the Re-surrection by Callisto Piazza, and a Pieta by Bernardino Campi (1552-1591). In the church of San Bassiano, which has a Gothic facade, is a valuable series of 14th cent. frescoes.

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Lodi (3).jpg 5 years ago
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Lodi (1).jpg 5 years ago
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Lodi (2).jpg 5 years ago
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