Antico Ospedale Maggiore

Antico Ospedale Maggiore (2).jpg
Antico Ospedale Maggiore (2).jpg
Antico Ospedale Maggiore (3).jpg
Antico Ospedale Maggiore (4).jpg
Antico Ospedale Maggiore (1).jpg
Antico Ospedale Maggiore (5).jpg
35 Via Francesco Sforza Milano Lombardia 20122 IT

Once called by the Milanese “Ca’ Granda” (the Big House) this building was commissioned by Francesco Sforza who, in 1456, decided to gather into one hospital the numerous institutions scattered about the town.

Antonio Averutino (called Filarete) signed, as designer, the plans for the main block of buildings. A great many important architects worked on the edifice after him until the early 19th century. The result is an unusual picturesque mixture of styles, motifs, and decorative forms Filarete s style here is typical of the architecture of the transitional period between Gothic and Renaissance There is a large and majestic interior courtyard with a columned arcade and an imposing loggia.

The Ca’ Granda ceased to be a hospital in 1924. it now houses the chancellorship, offices and some of the schools of the University degli Studi. The entrance is at 5 Via Festa del Perdono.

The Basilica of San Nazaro Maggiore (4).jpg
0.24 km
Founded in the 4th century, it was rebuilt in Romanesque style after the fire of 1705; the Chapel of San Lino contains important 10th century frescos. […]
Palazzo Sormani (3).jpg
0.37 km
Palazzo Sormani, nestled in the heart of Milan, Italy, is a remarkable historical building with an impressive architectural design. Completed in 1779, the Palazzo was initially built as a re[…]
0.56 km
The palace stands in the rectangular square on the southern side of the cathedral; it is a wide building with a Neoclassical front and two lateral wings. It is of ancient origin and during i[…]
Palazzo Crivelli (3).JPG
0.56 km
There are two Andalusian style balconies and a portal with granite doorposts. Its style is typical of the 17th century It has well preserved architectural frescos in perspective on the groun[…]
San Pietro in Gessate (4).jpg
0.61 km
This 15th cent, church has been poorly remodeled more than once since its construction, its façade was restored in Lombard style. The interior has three aisles, 12 side chapels, frescos by M[…]
Duomo Cathedral (17).jpg
0.62 km
The cathedral was started in 1386. It is a magnificent example of a very special interpretation of Gothic architecture by the Lombards. It rises like a huge mountain of marble but richly orn[…]
Palazzo Toscanini.jpg
0.64 km
This 17th century mansion is the dwelling of the famous orchestra conductor s family. On the outside is a superb wrought iron railing on the central balcony The larghe front door that has a […]
0.64 km
This magnificent square is said to be the minor of Milan and the Milanese. In fact its citizens pour in and out of it at every hour of the day; whether it is ablaze with sun-light or full of[…]
Rotonda di Via Besana.jpg
0.73 km
The design is the most original of all Milanese 18th century architecture. The unique cruciform church has a dome above the central octagon and is surrounded by beautifully designed continuo[…]
Santa Maria presso San Satiro (5).jpg
0.75 km
This church stands on Via Torino close to the Piazza del Duomo. The original building was erected at the time of Archishop Ansperto (10th century). Of this, only the chapel (Cappella della P[…]
Basilica of San Carlo al Corso (3).jpg
0.78 km
The present day basilica of St. Carlo was built on the site of the old church and convent ol the Servants of Mary. When preparations for Ferdinando I of Austria’s entrance into Milan were be[…]
Santa Maria presso San Celso (4).jpg
0.83 km
Built between 1490 and 1570; the shelves of the sacristy are full of valuable objects. […]
Loggia degli Osii (2).jpg
0.86 km
The Loggia of the Osii was built by Matteo Visconti in 1316. It was restored in 1904 and the deformations of the XVIIth. and XVIIIth. centuries were removed. The façade, with two superimpose[…]
Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II - lastsuppertickets (6).jpg
0.87 km
The famous Galleria connects the plaza of the Cathedral to the Piazza della Scala. Building began in 1865 under the direction of Giuseppe Mengoni who died in 1877 after falling from the scaf[…]
Piazza Mercanti (5).jpg
0.87 km
Between the Piazza Mercanti and Via Mercanti – just west of the Duomo – there is a group of buildings that splendidy illustrates the development of Milanese architecture from the[…]
Basilica of Santa Maria della Passione (2).jpg
0.87 km
St. Maria Della Passione’s Church rises between Via Conservatorio and Via V. Beilini. It was built by oder of Domenico Birago, Prothonotary Apostolical, appointed by Sisto IV as Church Colle[…]
The Basilica of San Babila (1).jpg
0.88 km
The basilica ol San Babila, now squashed in by modern buildings, was, perhaps, built at the end of the Xlth century on the site of another, but older, church founded by St. Lorenzo I between[…]
The Ambrosian Library and its Art Gallery (2).jpg
Founded bv Cardinal Federico Borromeo in 1609 and built by Fabio Mangone and Francesco Maria Richini, the Ambrosian Library is one of the most remarkable demonstrations of the great Federico[…]
Church of San Sepolcro (1).jpg
0.92 km
It has been remodeled many times since its founding in 1030; the faÇade however, has been restored to its primitive Lombard style. A vast crypt, that extends the length of the church, is use[…]
Palazzo Durini (9).jpg
0.92 km
Palazzo Durini’s story begins with the Durini family, an aristocratic lineage with deep roots in Milan’s social and political fabric. The family’s prominence can be traced […]
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Antico Ospedale Maggiore (2).jpg 5 years ago
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Antico Ospedale Maggiore (3).jpg 5 years ago
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Antico Ospedale Maggiore (4).jpg 5 years ago
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Antico Ospedale Maggiore (1).jpg 5 years ago
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Antico Ospedale Maggiore (5).jpg 5 years ago
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