Loggia degli Osii

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Loggia degli Osii (2).jpg
Loggia degli Osii (1).jpg
Loggia degli Osii (3).jpg
9 Piazza dei Mercanti Milano Lombardia 20123 IT

The Loggia of the Osii was built by Matteo Visconti in 1316. It was restored in 1904 and the deformations of the XVIIth. and XVIIIth. centuries were removed.

The façade, with two superimposed loggias, is built in black and white marble. In the centre of the upper loggia there is a balcony commonly known as the “Parlera”, on which can be seen the heraldic signs of the various quarters of Milan, plus the Viscontis’ coat-of-arms. On the other loggis, in niches especially built for them, are statues of Milanese saints, the work of Campionese and Comoese artists.

On one side of the Loggia of the Osii stands the building of the Palatine Schools. The façade is the work of Seregni, who followed the lines of the Juriconsults’ Building. At the top of the great staircase, there is a bronze bust of C. M. Maggi, a poet who wrote in Italian and the Vernacular Milanese dialect.

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Loggia degli Osii (2).jpg 5 years ago
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