Casa degli Omenoni

Casa degli Omenoni (2).jpg
Casa degli Omenoni (2).jpg
Casa degli Omenoni (1).jpg
Casa degli Omenoni (3).jpg
3 Via degli Omenoni Milano Lombardia 20121 IT

The “House of the Omenoni” was built by Leone Leoni and is one of the most interesting late sixteenth century buildings in Milan. It has eight caryatids called “Omenoni’’ (big men) which are the work of Antonio Abbondio and are of Michelangelesque inspiration.

Inside there is a courtyard surrounded by porticos with Tuscan columns. The facade has some fine stone decorations and below the cornice, which supports the roof, there is a fine frieze in alto-rilievo representing ” Slander devoured by lions “.

The Basilica of San Babila (1).jpg
0.5 km
The basilica ol San Babila, now squashed in by modern buildings, was, perhaps, built at the end of the Xlth century on the site of another, but older, church founded by St. Lorenzo I between[…]
Palazzo Silvestri Fontana (4).jpg
0.55 km
This linear and unadorned façade makes it a typical example of 15th century Milanese architecture. There is a wrought iron balcony on the exterior above the main door which is decorated with[…]
Palazzo del Senato (2).JPG
0.58 km
Fabio Mangone, the master builder of the Duomo and favorite arch tect of Cardinal Federico Borromeo began to construct this austere edifice in 1620. It was intended to house the Collegio Elv[…]
Museum of the Risorgimento (3).jpg
0.58 km
(National Revival) – (23 Via Borgonuovo tel. 803.539) – Exhibits dating from the mid-18th century to 1914 in which there was a national revival and struggle to unite independent […]
Palazzo Toscanini.jpg
0.59 km
This 17th century mansion is the dwelling of the famous orchestra conductor s family. On the outside is a superb wrought iron railing on the central balcony The larghe front door that has a […]
Santa Maria presso San Satiro (5).jpg
0.6 km
This church stands on Via Torino close to the Piazza del Duomo. The original building was erected at the time of Archishop Ansperto (10th century). Of this, only the chapel (Cappella della P[…]
Brera Picture Gallery (1).jpg
0.62 km
The name Brera come from the place where the “Umiliati” (an order of religious men and laymen) built their house within the city walls in about 1170. In the 13th century the church of […]
Palazzo Serbelloni (1).jpg
0.64 km
This large and majestic building was enlarged in the Neoclassical style by Simone Cantoni at the end of the 18th century. The façade has three orders, or rows, of windows that have a loggia […]
The Ambrosian Library and its Art Gallery (2).jpg
Founded bv Cardinal Federico Borromeo in 1609 and built by Fabio Mangone and Francesco Maria Richini, the Ambrosian Library is one of the most remarkable demonstrations of the great Federico[…]
Church of San Sepolcro (1).jpg
0.7 km
It has been remodeled many times since its founding in 1030; the faÇade however, has been restored to its primitive Lombard style. A vast crypt, that extends the length of the church, is use[…]
San Marco Church in Milan (5).jpg
0.72 km
The Church of San Marco was founded in the 13th century by the Dominican Order, an influential Catholic religious order that played a significant role in shaping the history of Milan. The ch[…]
Palazzo Sormani (3).jpg
0.74 km
Palazzo Sormani, nestled in the heart of Milan, Italy, is a remarkable historical building with an impressive architectural design. Completed in 1779, the Palazzo was initially built as a re[…]
Villa Reale and Modern Art Gallery (12).jpg
0.84 km
This building is commonly called the ’’Royal Villa” but it was built by the Viennese architecht Leopold Poliak in 1790 as the home of Count Lodovico Barbiano di Belgioioso. The entranc[…]
Palazzo Castiglioni (1).jpg
0.86 km
Styles called “floreale” and “Liberty” were fashionable at the beginning of 20th century. They were typified by heavy ornamentation of figures, columns, flowers and f[…]
Palazzo Borromeo (4).jpg
0.87 km
The rather plain façade of this 15th century mansion is interesting for its Gothic entrance. Its pointed arch is accented with two colors of cut stone and by three marble borders decorated w[…]
San Pietro in Gessate (4).jpg
0.88 km
This 15th cent, church has been poorly remodeled more than once since its construction, its façade was restored in Lombard style. The interior has three aisles, 12 side chapels, frescos by M[…]
Basilica of Santa Maria della Passione (2).jpg
0.9 km
St. Maria Della Passione’s Church rises between Via Conservatorio and Via V. Beilini. It was built by oder of Domenico Birago, Prothonotary Apostolical, appointed by Sisto IV as Church Colle[…]
Palazzo Isimbardi.png
0.91 km
The oldest part, named after a family that owned it, was built in the 15th century. However, it has been considerably altered during the course of the centuries that have followed Inside han[…]
The Basilica of San Nazaro Maggiore (4).jpg
0.93 km
Founded in the 4th century, it was rebuilt in Romanesque style after the fire of 1705; the Chapel of San Lino contains important 10th century frescos. […]
Antico Ospedale Maggiore (2).jpg
0.94 km
Once called by the Milanese “Ca’ Granda” (the Big House) this building was commissioned by Francesco Sforza who, in 1456, decided to gather into one hospital the numerous institutions […]
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Casa degli Omenoni (2).jpg 6 years ago
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Casa degli Omenoni (1).jpg 6 years ago
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Casa degli Omenoni (3).jpg 6 years ago
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