Things to do in Milan

Francesco Messina Museum (2).jpg
This is a very original type of museum: it displays the works of the sculptor Francesco Messina. It is something new on the order of museums because here we find a museum-studio where Messin[…]
The Basilica of San Nazaro Maggiore (4).jpg
Founded in the 4th century, it was rebuilt in Romanesque style after the fire of 1705; the Chapel of San Lino contains important 10th century frescos. […]
San Pietro in Gessate (4).jpg
This 15th cent, church has been poorly remodeled more than once since its construction, its façade was restored in Lombard style. The interior has three aisles, 12 side chapels, frescos by M[…]
This magnificent square is said to be the minor of Milan and the Milanese. In fact its citizens pour in and out of it at every hour of the day; whether it is ablaze with sun-light or full of[…]
Palazzo Morando (1).JPG
The correct name would be Palazzo Morando Attendolo Bolognim. It now contains a municipal museum collection. The Barocchetto style facade has been partly remodeled. The staircase within has […]
Museo Poldi Pezzoli (8).jpg
The apartment in Via Manzoni No. 12 in which the Poldi Pezzoli Museum is housed, was destined to become a museum bv a member of a noble family, Gian Giacomo Poldi Pezzoli in 1878. It contain[…]
Palazzo Marino (1).jpg
This was built between 1553 and 1558 by Galeazzo Alessi for the Genoese merchant. Tommaso Marino The courtyard walls and columns are richly adorned with modeled concrete heads, flowery festo[…]
Church of San Sepolcro (1).jpg
It has been remodeled many times since its founding in 1030; the faÇade however, has been restored to its primitive Lombard style. A vast crypt, that extends the length of the church, is use[…]
Museum of the Risorgimento (3).jpg
(National Revival) – (23 Via Borgonuovo tel. 803.539) – Exhibits dating from the mid-18th century to 1914 in which there was a national revival and struggle to unite independent […]
Basilica of Sant’Ambrogio  (13).jpg
This Basilica, which stands in the square bearing the same name, reflects sixteen centuries of history. It is the queen and mother of Lombard churches. This Paleo-Christian building was star[…]
San Marco Church in Milan (5).jpg
The Church of San Marco was founded in the 13th century by the Dominican Order, an influential Catholic religious order that played a significant role in shaping the history of Milan. The ch[…]
Palazzo Sormani (3).jpg
Palazzo Sormani, nestled in the heart of Milan, Italy, is a remarkable historical building with an impressive architectural design. Completed in 1779, the Palazzo was initially built as a re[…]
Palazzo del Senato (2).JPG
Fabio Mangone, the master builder of the Duomo and favorite arch tect of Cardinal Federico Borromeo began to construct this austere edifice in 1620. It was intended to house the Collegio Elv[…]
Palazzo Clerici (1).jpg
This splendid palace, built in the early decades of the 18th century contains a magnificent gallery of tapestries and a famous fresco painted by Giambattista Tiepolo about 1740, “The Chariot[…]
Basilica of San Lorenzo Maggiore (8).jpg
Traces of Roman and Paleo-Christian architecture are still clearly recognizable in the structure of this church located on Corso di Porta Ticinese. The square in front of the church is domin[…]
Rotonda di Via Besana.jpg
The design is the most original of all Milanese 18th century architecture. The unique cruciform church has a dome above the central octagon and is surrounded by beautifully designed continuo[…]
Duomo Cathedral (17).jpg
The cathedral was started in 1386. It is a magnificent example of a very special interpretation of Gothic architecture by the Lombards. It rises like a huge mountain of marble but richly orn[…]
Seminario Maggiore (3).jpg
At No. 11 Corso Venezia we can see the building which was once the “Seminario Maggiore” founded by St. Carlo in 1561, this buildings built on the site of the ancient “Umiliati” monaste[…]
Showing 61 - 78 of 78 results