Things to do in Milan

The Basilica of San Babila (1).jpg
The basilica ol San Babila, now squashed in by modern buildings, was, perhaps, built at the end of the Xlth century on the site of another, but older, church founded by St. Lorenzo I between[…]
Ospedaletto Lodigiano.jpg
Agricultural centre; it grew up around a 12th cent. hospital. The church of Santi Pietro e Paolo (1559) has a fine facade, and is flanked by a cusped bell-tower. Inside is a picture by Berna[…]
Palazzo Durini (9).jpg
Palazzo Durini’s story begins with the Durini family, an aristocratic lineage with deep roots in Milan’s social and political fabric. The family’s prominence can be traced […]
Manzoni's house (3).jpg
Welcome to the world of Alessandro Manzoni, a prominent Italian author, poet, and playwright. His house in Milan, known as Casa di Manzoni, has been transformed into a museum that pays homag[…]
Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II - lastsuppertickets (6).jpg
The famous Galleria connects the plaza of the Cathedral to the Piazza della Scala. Building began in 1865 under the direction of Giuseppe Mengoni who died in 1877 after falling from the scaf[…]
Palazzo Saporiti.jpg
Here is another example, like Palazzo Serbelloni, of the grandiose Neoclassical style of architecture that was in vogue during the Napoleonic Era. It is the work of the early 18th century ar[…]
Museo Interattivo del Cinema  (1).jpg
– A pre – cinema collection of magic lanterns, daguerrotypes and phenachistoscopi (invented in 1828 – special disks to spin giving an optical illusion), origins of movies a[…]
Piccolo Teatro (1).png
Just a few meters from Via Dante and next to the old Palazzo del Carmagnola is the Piccolo Teatro that was founded in 1947 by Paolo Grassi and Giorgio Strehler. The aim was not to have a the[…]
Sforzesco Castle (11).jpg
What we see today is only a part of the original citadel which, at the beginning, consisted of other forts enclosed in a great star-shaped ramparted fortress. The perimetral development of t[…]
Basilica of San Lorenzo Maggiore (8).jpg
Traces of Roman and Paleo-Christian architecture are still clearly recognizable in the structure of this church located on Corso di Porta Ticinese. The square in front of the church is domin[…]
This magnificent square is said to be the minor of Milan and the Milanese. In fact its citizens pour in and out of it at every hour of the day; whether it is ablaze with sun-light or full of[…]
Francesco Messina Museum (2).jpg
This is a very original type of museum: it displays the works of the sculptor Francesco Messina. It is something new on the order of museums because here we find a museum-studio where Messin[…]
Santa Maria presso San Celso (4).jpg
Built between 1490 and 1570; the shelves of the sacristy are full of valuable objects. […]
Palazzo del Senato (2).JPG
Fabio Mangone, the master builder of the Duomo and favorite arch tect of Cardinal Federico Borromeo began to construct this austere edifice in 1620. It was intended to house the Collegio Elv[…]
Via Monte Napoleone (2).JPG
Via Monte Napoleone is synonymous with opulence, elegance, and the finest in fashion. Nestled in the heart of Milan, this prestigious street is a hub for high-end shopping and design. With a[…]
Piazza Mercanti (5).jpg
Between the Piazza Mercanti and Via Mercanti – just west of the Duomo – there is a group of buildings that splendidy illustrates the development of Milanese architecture from the[…]
Santa Maria presso San Satiro (5).jpg
This church stands on Via Torino close to the Piazza del Duomo. The original building was erected at the time of Archishop Ansperto (10th century). Of this, only the chapel (Cappella della P[…]
The Ambrosian Library and its Art Gallery (2).jpg
Founded bv Cardinal Federico Borromeo in 1609 and built by Fabio Mangone and Francesco Maria Richini, the Ambrosian Library is one of the most remarkable demonstrations of the great Federico[…]
Agricultural town at the foot of the hill of San Colombano. The 14th cent. Parrocchiale (parish church) has a neo-Classical pronaos, and frescoes by Bernardino Campi (c. 1552-1591). Only a c[…]
Sant' Angelo Lodigiano.jpg
Sant’Angelo Lodigiano is a picturesque Italian city located in the Lodi province of Lombardy. Known for its enchanting castle, historical churches, and cultural museums, the city is ho[…]
Showing 21 - 40 of 78 results