San Colombano al Lambro

n 18 Via Cesare Battisti San Colombano al Lambro Lombardia 20078 IT

Agricultural town at the foot of the hill of San Colombano. The 14th cent. Parrocchiale (parish church) has a neo-Classical pronaos, and frescoes by Bernardino Campi (c. 1552-1591). Only a crenellated tower of the Castello remains.

Ospedaletto Lodigiano.jpg
7.57 km
Agricultural centre; it grew up around a 12th cent. hospital. The church of Santi Pietro e Paolo (1559) has a fine facade, and is flanked by a cusped bell-tower. Inside is a pic...
Sant' Angelo Lodigiano.jpg
8.15 km
Sant’Angelo Lodigiano is a picturesque Italian city located in the Lodi province of Lombardy. Known for its enchanting castle, historical churches, and cultural museums, t...
Lodi (3).jpg
14.16 km
Important agricultural and industrial centre, with historical connections, on the right bank of the river Adda. The Duomo was begun in 1160, and has a facade which has obviously...
23.32 km
Agricultural and industrial centre divided by the river Lambro. The Prepositurale (provostry) di San Giovanni Battista is believed to go as far back as the 4th cent. In the 16th...
Rotonda di Via Besana.jpg
37.96 km
The design is the most original of all Milanese 18th century architecture. The unique cruciform church has a dome above the central octagon and is surrounded by beautifully desi...
Cassano d'Adda.jpg
38.29 km
Large village built on a rise, to the right of the river Adda. The Castello Borromeo d’ Adda, whose origins are pre-1000 A.D., was rebuilt in later periods. It has an inte...
Santa Maria presso San Celso (4).jpg
38.31 km
Built between 1490 and 1570; the shelves of the sacristy are full of valuable objects. ...
Antico Ospedale Maggiore (2).jpg
38.34 km
Once called by the Milanese “Ca’ Granda” (the Big House) this building was commissioned by Francesco Sforza who, in 1456, decided to gather into one hospital the numerous ...
San Pietro in Gessate (4).jpg
38.41 km
This 15th cent, church has been poorly remodeled more than once since its construction, its façade was restored in Lombard style. The interior has three aisles, 12 side chapels,...
The church of San Gottardo in Corte (5).jpg
38.43 km
The construction of the church which is incorporated into the Royal Palace (the entrance is from via Pecorari) began in the first half of the 14th century. Azzone Visconti had i...
The Basilica of San Nazaro Maggiore (4).jpg
38.45 km
Founded in the 4th century, it was rebuilt in Romanesque style after the fire of 1705; the Chapel of San Lino contains important 10th century frescos. ...
Palazzo Sormani (3).jpg
38.5 km
Palazzo Sormani, nestled in the heart of Milan, Italy, is a remarkable historical building with an impressive architectural design. Completed in 1779, the Palazzo was initially ...
Basilica of Santa Maria della Passione (2).jpg
38.54 km
St. Maria Della Passione’s Church rises between Via Conservatorio and Via V. Beilini. It was built by oder of Domenico Birago, Prothonotary Apostolical, appointed by Sisto IV as...
Basilica of Sant'Eustorgio.jpg
38.58 km
This church is, after St. Ambrogio, the most noteworthy medieval Milanese edifice. It rises in the square of same name in the modestly picturesque neighborhood of Porta Ticinese...
Palazzo Toscanini.jpg
38.7 km
This 17th century mansion is the dwelling of the famous orchestra conductor s family. On the outside is a superb wrought iron railing on the central balcony The larghe front doo...
Palazzo Isimbardi.png
38.72 km
The oldest part, named after a family that owned it, was built in the 15th century. However, it has been considerably altered during the course of the centuries that have follow...
Basilica of San Lorenzo Maggiore (8).jpg
38.9 km
Traces of Roman and Paleo-Christian architecture are still clearly recognizable in the structure of this church located on Corso di Porta Ticinese. The square in front of the ch...
38.9 km
The palace stands in the rectangular square on the southern side of the cathedral; it is a wide building with a Neoclassical front and two lateral wings. It is of ancient origin...
Palazzo Crivelli (3).JPG
38.9 km
There are two Andalusian style balconies and a portal with granite doorposts. Its style is typical of the 17th century It has well preserved architectural frescos in perspective...
The Basilica of San Babila (1).jpg
38.91 km
The basilica ol San Babila, now squashed in by modern buildings, was, perhaps, built at the end of the Xlth century on the site of another, but older, church founded by St. Lore...
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