Things to do in Milan

Important agricultural and industrial centre. The Castello, built in 1382 by Gian Galeazzo Visconti and later spoilt by alterations, still reveals some interesting parts of the original cons[…]
(Town of Carate Brianza, province of Milan). The Basilica di San Pietro is one of the prime examples of Romanesque architecture in Lombardy. Dating from the 9th or 10th cent., it has a simpl[…]
Antico Ospedale Maggiore (2).jpg
Once called by the Milanese “Ca’ Granda” (the Big House) this building was commissioned by Francesco Sforza who, in 1456, decided to gather into one hospital the numerous institutions […]
The Basilica of San Babila (1).jpg
The basilica ol San Babila, now squashed in by modern buildings, was, perhaps, built at the end of the Xlth century on the site of another, but older, church founded by St. Lorenzo I between[…]
Basilica of San Carlo al Corso (3).jpg
The present day basilica of St. Carlo was built on the site of the old church and convent ol the Servants of Mary. When preparations for Ferdinando I of Austria’s entrance into Milan were be[…]
Basilica of San Lorenzo Maggiore (8).jpg
Traces of Roman and Paleo-Christian architecture are still clearly recognizable in the structure of this church located on Corso di Porta Ticinese. The square in front of the church is domin[…]
The Basilica of San Nazaro Maggiore (4).jpg
Founded in the 4th century, it was rebuilt in Romanesque style after the fire of 1705; the Chapel of San Lino contains important 10th century frescos. […]
Basilica of San Simpliciano (2).jpg
This Basilica was one of the first churches to be constructed in Milan-Sant’Ambrogio was responsible for initiating the plans to build it (4th cent.) but it was completed under the dir[…]
Basilica of Sant'Eustorgio.jpg
This church is, after St. Ambrogio, the most noteworthy medieval Milanese edifice. It rises in the square of same name in the modestly picturesque neighborhood of Porta Ticinese. It was star[…]
Basilica of Santa Maria della Passione (2).jpg
St. Maria Della Passione’s Church rises between Via Conservatorio and Via V. Beilini. It was built by oder of Domenico Birago, Prothonotary Apostolical, appointed by Sisto IV as Church Colle[…]
Basilica of Sant’Ambrogio  (13).jpg
This Basilica, which stands in the square bearing the same name, reflects sixteen centuries of history. It is the queen and mother of Lombard churches. This Paleo-Christian building was star[…]
Brera Picture Gallery (1).jpg
The name Brera come from the place where the “Umiliati” (an order of religious men and laymen) built their house within the city walls in about 1170. In the 13th century the church of […]
Ca' de Sass.jpg
The Museum of History, ‘Ca’ de sass”, so called on account of the large stones projecting from its exterior walls, is housed in a small building on 11 Via Andegari, which i[…]
Casa degli Omenoni (2).jpg
The “House of the Omenoni” was built by Leone Leoni and is one of the most interesting late sixteenth century buildings in Milan. It has eight caryatids called “Omenoni’’ (big me[…]
Casa di Riposo per Musicisti (2).jpg
This is the rest home for musicians that Giuseppe Verdi ordered built. The architectural plan was the idea of Arrigo Boito: in a crypt in the center of the garden (decorated with allegorical[…]
Cassano d'Adda.jpg
Large village built on a rise, to the right of the river Adda. The Castello Borromeo d’ Adda, whose origins are pre-1000 A.D., was rebuilt in later periods. It has an interesting inner[…]
Certosa of Garegnano (1).jpg
Certosa of Garegnano was founded in 1359 by Giovanni Visconti Archbishop of Milan and his brother Luchino in the village of Garegnano, which had already become part of the city of Milan. Coi[…]
The church of San Gottardo in Corte (5).jpg
The construction of the church which is incorporated into the Royal Palace (the entrance is from via Pecorari) began in the first half of the 14th century. Azzone Visconti had it built as a […]
Church of San Sepolcro (1).jpg
It has been remodeled many times since its founding in 1030; the faÇade however, has been restored to its primitive Lombard style. A vast crypt, that extends the length of the church, is use[…]
Church of San Vittore al Corpo (7).jpg
Romanesque basilica reconstructed in the 16th century; the wooden choir in the chancel is magnificent. […]
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