Things to do in Milan

Santa Maria la Rossa.jpg
Ancient church and minor monastery. Only vestiges cab be seen today of how it must have looked when it was built around the 10th century or before Recent restoration work brough...
Rotonda di Via Besana.jpg
The design is the most original of all Milanese 18th century architecture. The unique cruciform church has a dome above the central octagon and is surrounded by beautifully desi...
Palazzo Saporiti.jpg
Here is another example, like Palazzo Serbelloni, of the grandiose Neoclassical style of architecture that was in vogue during the Napoleonic Era. It is the work of the early 18...
Via Monte Napoleone (2).JPG
Via Monte Napoleone is synonymous with opulence, elegance, and the finest in fashion. Nestled in the heart of Milan, this prestigious street is a hub for high-end shopping and d...
Important agricultural and industrial centre. The Castello, built in 1382 by Gian Galeazzo Visconti and later spoilt by alterations, still reveals some interesting parts of the ...
Palazzo Marino (1).jpg
This was built between 1553 and 1558 by Galeazzo Alessi for the Genoese merchant. Tommaso Marino The courtyard walls and columns are richly adorned with modeled concrete heads, ...
Agricultural and industrial centre divided by the river Lambro. The Prepositurale (provostry) di San Giovanni Battista is believed to go as far back as the 4th cent. In the 16th...
Basilica of Sant’Ambrogio  (13).jpg
This Basilica, which stands in the square bearing the same name, reflects sixteen centuries of history. It is the queen and mother of Lombard churches. This Paleo-Christian buil...
Palazzo Borromeo (4).jpg
The rather plain façade of this 15th century mansion is interesting for its Gothic entrance. Its pointed arch is accented with two colors of cut stone and by three marble border...
Trezzo sull' Adda.jpg
Trezzo sull’Adda is a comune located in the Lombardy region of Italy. The town is situated about 30 kilometers northeast of Milan, and it borders several other municipalit...
Ca' de Sass.jpg
The Museum of History, ‘Ca’ de sass”, so called on account of the large stones projecting from its exterior walls, is housed in a small building on 11 Via Ande...
Museum of the Risorgimento (3).jpg
(National Revival) – (23 Via Borgonuovo tel. 803.539) – Exhibits dating from the mid-18th century to 1914 in which there was a national revival and struggle to unite...
Certosa of Garegnano (1).jpg
Certosa of Garegnano was founded in 1359 by Giovanni Visconti Archbishop of Milan and his brother Luchino in the village of Garegnano, which had already become part of the city ...
San Marco Church in Milan (5).jpg
The Church of San Marco was founded in the 13th century by the Dominican Order, an influential Catholic religious order that played a significant role in shaping the history of ...
Palazzo Litta (4).jpg
Also known as “Palazzo Arese”, it was enlarged by the Litta family in 1700. The architect B.Bolla was commissioned to work over Richini’s original construction...
Palazzo Crivelli (3).JPG
There are two Andalusian style balconies and a portal with granite doorposts. Its style is typical of the 17th century It has well preserved architectural frescos in perspective...
Palazzo Castiglioni (1).jpg
Styles called “floreale” and “Liberty” were fashionable at the beginning of 20th century. They were typified by heavy ornamentation of figures, columns, ...
Seminario Maggiore (3).jpg
At No. 11 Corso Venezia we can see the building which was once the “Seminario Maggiore” founded by St. Carlo in 1561, this buildings built on the site of the ancient “Umil...
Basilica of San Carlo al Corso (3).jpg
The present day basilica of St. Carlo was built on the site of the old church and convent ol the Servants of Mary. When preparations for Ferdinando I of Austria’s entrance into ...
Monumental Cemetery (Cimitero Monumentale).jpg
An iron fence rails off the external square from the internal one, closed in by the building which flow into one another to the centre of the building built as a sepuchral shrin...
Showing 41 - 60 of 78 results