Things to do in Milan

The church of San Gottardo in Corte (5).jpg
The construction of the church which is incorporated into the Royal Palace (the entrance is from via Pecorari) began in the first half of the 14th century. Azzone Visconti had i...
Basilica of Santa Maria della Passione (2).jpg
St. Maria Della Passione’s Church rises between Via Conservatorio and Via V. Beilini. It was built by oder of Domenico Birago, Prothonotary Apostolical, appointed by Sisto IV as...
Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II - lastsuppertickets (6).jpg
The famous Galleria connects the plaza of the Cathedral to the Piazza della Scala. Building began in 1865 under the direction of Giuseppe Mengoni who died in 1877 after falling ...
Palazzo Serbelloni (1).jpg
This large and majestic building was enlarged in the Neoclassical style by Simone Cantoni at the end of the 18th century. The façade has three orders, or rows, of windows that h...
Sforzesco Castle (11).jpg
What we see today is only a part of the original citadel which, at the beginning, consisted of other forts enclosed in a great star-shaped ramparted fortress. The perimetral dev...
Monumental Cemetery (Cimitero Monumentale).jpg
An iron fence rails off the external square from the internal one, closed in by the building which flow into one another to the centre of the building built as a sepuchral shrin...
Trezzo sull' Adda.jpg
Trezzo sull’Adda is a comune located in the Lombardy region of Italy. The town is situated about 30 kilometers northeast of Milan, and it borders several other municipalit...
Palazzo Silvestri Fontana (4).jpg
This linear and unadorned façade makes it a typical example of 15th century Milanese architecture. There is a wrought iron balcony on the exterior above the main door which is d...
Via Monte Napoleone (2).JPG
Via Monte Napoleone is synonymous with opulence, elegance, and the finest in fashion. Nestled in the heart of Milan, this prestigious street is a hub for high-end shopping and d...
The Arengario or Town Hall (13th cent.) is supported by stone pillars. The upper part has two- and three-lighted windows and small hanging arches. A balcony (called “parle...
Museum of Milan and of Modern History.jpg
Illustrations and paintings recall the historical events of the city from the 17th to the early years of the 20th century. ...
Sant' Angelo Lodigiano.jpg
Sant’Angelo Lodigiano is a picturesque Italian city located in the Lodi province of Lombardy. Known for its enchanting castle, historical churches, and cultural museums, t...
La Triennale di Milano  (4).jpg
The exact name of this international exposition is “Esposizione Internazionale delle Arti Decorative e Industrial Moderne e dell Architettura Moderna”. It exhibits contemporary ...
Agricultural and industrial centre divided by the river Lambro. The Prepositurale (provostry) di San Giovanni Battista is believed to go as far back as the 4th cent. In the 16th...
Basilica of San Simpliciano (2).jpg
This Basilica was one of the first churches to be constructed in Milan-Sant’Ambrogio was responsible for initiating the plans to build it (4th cent.) but it was completed ...
Cassano d'Adda.jpg
Large village built on a rise, to the right of the river Adda. The Castello Borromeo d’ Adda, whose origins are pre-1000 A.D., was rebuilt in later periods. It has an inte...
Ospedaletto Lodigiano.jpg
Agricultural centre; it grew up around a 12th cent. hospital. The church of Santi Pietro e Paolo (1559) has a fine facade, and is flanked by a cusped bell-tower. Inside is a pic...
Ca' de Sass.jpg
The Museum of History, ‘Ca’ de sass”, so called on account of the large stones projecting from its exterior walls, is housed in a small building on 11 Via Ande...
Palazzo Belgioioso (2).jpeg
Piermarini constructed this palace for the princes, Antonio and Alberico Barbiano of Belgioioso between the years 1772 and 1781. The façade has three stories of twenty-five wind...
Palazzo Crivelli (3).JPG
There are two Andalusian style balconies and a portal with granite doorposts. Its style is typical of the 17th century It has well preserved architectural frescos in perspective...
Showing 21 - 40 of 78 results